Lotus McElfish
I was honored to receive the Mary J Laughlin & Eula Whitehouse Memorial Award from the Native Plant Society of Texas for “an incredible collection of detailed painting of Rare and Endangered species across Texas.
Rockport Center For the Arts. Prints and cards in gift store
"TEXAS NATIVES - Endangered and Not So Much"
Duo Exhibition with wood sculptor Victor Summers
Lockett Gallery in the Art Center of Corpus Christi
April 7-29th Reception: Fri April 7, 5-7pm (during ArtWalk)
Wimberley Arts Fest 2022 April 30 10am—6pm and Sunday May 1st 11am-5pm at The Water’s Point
Currently completing a series of the Endangered Plants of Texas
“From Platte to Peak”, a Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists exhibit, traveled to Betty Ford Alpine Garden in Vail CO until April 30th 2022
“Texas State Plant” - Prickly Pear and Winecup were juried into the March WVAL Spring 2021 Virtual Juried Gallery Show
I was honored to receive Honorable Mention for my “TX Rare Escarpment Black Cherry” in the Fall WVAL Hybrid Juried Gallery Show. “Cycles” Pomegranate was also juried in. This showed both online and in the Wimberley Community Center Gallery.
RMSBA “Colorado Wild” exhibition at Gallery at Garden of the Gods from Sept. 22-January 2022 with “After the Burn”- Fireweed and “Intruder Crab Spider”-Gunnision Mariposa Lily

“Narrative in Botanical Art”, The Botanical Art Collective Summer Show, Juried by Botanical Research Institute of Texas. This virtual exhibit accepted all three of my entries and interviewed me via Zoom.
June 18-August 21st 2020
“Serenity” Wimberley Art League Art on Social Media Virtual Exhibit August 1-September 1, 2020
“From Platte To Peak” is a 200th year anniversary celebration of the plants collected by Edwin James in the summer of 1820. My Spider Milkweed was juried into the traveling exhibit by Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists. Garden of the Gods Visitor Center September-October 30, 2020 then Betty Ford Alpine Garden in Vail November 2021-April 30 2022
“Dare to be Square” American Society of Botanical Artists Virtual Exhibit October 14-November 14, 2020. Showing during and after their annual Botanical Conference.

“Hierbas Curativas- Healing Herbs of the Mexican Curanderismo Tradition”
Solo Exhibit at Rockport Center for the Arts, Rockport TX September 2016
Solo Exhibit traveled to Centro Cultural Hispano de San Marcos, San Marcos TX
November 2016 -January 2017
“Nature’s Brush Strokes” Three images chosen for outdoor reproductions along Brennecke Nature Trail at South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center
“Rare II” - Imperiled Plants of Colorado Traveling exhibition by Rocky Mountain Society of Botanical Artists 2015-2017 at different venues
”Botanical Art with Altitude” ASBA Exhibition, 2015, Westin Downtown, Denver, CO

“Standing Out: 2014 Merit Artist” One of six artists chosen from 2013 all-member “Currents” show to exhibit at the Rockport Center for the Arts (August 6-Sept 6)
"American Botanical Paintings: Native Plants of the Mid Atlantic" (published book) All of the juried paintings for this book, and I am proud the Yaupon Possumhaw was one of them, was included in the Exhibition at US Botanic Gardens, Washington D.C. (Feb 15-June15)
“Art and Conservation: Our Hidden Treasures, Boerne, TX Spring 2011
“Double Exposure” Wimberley Art League (Sept 28-Nov.30 2010)
"Johnson City Wildflower Days Fine Art Show"; Johnson City, TX (April 16-18, 2010)
"A Closer Look at Cactus & Succulents" Juried Exhibition at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum
Ironwood Gallery (April 4-June 7, 2009)
Art & Conservation Exhibit; Cibolo Nature Center; Boerne,TX April 2009
”Lasting Impressions” Canyon Lake Art Guild Annual Show, 2nd Place Watercolor April 2008
“Endangered Species: Flora and Fauna in Peril”
National Touring Exhibition:
-Wildling Art Museum, Los Olivos, CA (Jun 22 - Sep 14, 2008)
-Department of the Interior Museum, Washington, D.C.
(Nov 1, 2008 - May 16, 2009)

Botanica 2013: The Art & Science of Plants, Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD
(June 30-Aug. 9, 2013)
Kerr Arts and Cultural Center, Kerrville TX May 3-June 3 2012
“Texas Botanicals-Endangered and Not So Much” Co-Show with husband Victor Summers
Bulverde Spring Branch Library. Bulverde TX June 4 - July 2 2012
“Texas Botanicals-Endangered and Not So Much” Co-Show with husband Victor Summers
“Blossom II-Art of Flowers” National Exhibition, Naples Museum of Art opens Feb. 9, 2011
Adams Ave Gallery; Adams Ave, Austin TX Nov. 2 2007-Jan. 7 2008
"Arts Encounters"; Benini Foundation Gallery and Sculpture Ranch; Johnson City, TX 2007
"Hidden Treasures: Art & Conservation" Cibolo Nature Center;Boerne,TX 2007
"Sign on Harvest Moon; Authors and Artists"; Native Plant Society of Texas
Boerne Chapter 2007

WVAL Members Juried Show
“Rare Blue-Eyed Grass” was chosen.
“This painting has legs!”
February 21-April 8 2019
ASBA Silver 25th Anniversary & my 15 year anniversary being a botanical artist. My silver painting of the rare Hill Country Wild Mercury is in their commemorative catalog.
My display at the Herb Society of America in Austin several years ago prompted a call last winter from the editor of their journal, The Herbarist. They wanted cover art for Salvia, their theme for the issue, and this graphite portrait of the beautiful Autumn Joy is what I came up with
In the spring I entered a contest sponsored by the Greater New Braunfels Arts Council and the Gallery at Gruene Lake Village. I entered my Pale Blue-eyed Grass and won first prize as Comal County Artist of the Year!

“DEEP ROOTS”- Botanical Medicine from Plants to Prescriptions- Artwork from “Hierbas Curativas” series is displayed in this year long exhibit in the Robert G Mickey History of Medicine Gallery of Texas Medical Association. The exhibit has been extended until September 2018
