Lotus McElfish
Now Showing

Summerfish Studios (Summers+McElfish)
is a fun, artistic & creative collaboration with my husband, Victor Summers.
He a wonderful woodworker fashioning salvaged native woods into useful and unique items for the home. Most weekends in the spring and fall/winter we market our creations together in art/farmer’s markets and Texas Hill Country festivals. We send out a monthly email letter with our schedule and invites to exhibit/receptions. CLICK HERE if you would like to receive these notices. Also, join us in our “artistic adventures” at Summerfish Studios on FaceBook:
What is on my art table today
If you are curious about “what is on my art table today” ….. click below for FaceBook and Instagram. This reflects the fun and challenging botanical observations, studies, painting progression, and a glimpse of my new work before I show it!
“Endangered & Not So Much” - a blog
Learn, Give Thought, Be Inspired, Take Action….Bring Back Balance
This blog stemmed from my passion about protecting rare and endangered plants and I also wanted to showcase not just myself as an artist doing this work but other artists that use their art for conservation. It is growing into current issues about not just saving one plant but our whole planet; still showcasing other concerned artists. CLICK HERE to join me)